Local Resources
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
(ADAA) is an international nonprofit organization focused on improving the lives of those impacted by anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders. ADAA members in NC who provide treatment for OCD and related disorders can be found at:
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
(ABCT) is a multidisciplinary organization focusing on the scientific study and clinical application of behavioral, cognitive, and other evidence-based treatments for various mental health issues. To locate ABCT members in NC who treat OCD and related issues, use the Find a CBT Therapist link at:
Mental Health America
(MHA) is a national, community-based nonprofit that addresses the needs of those experiencing a mental health issue. Information about Mental Health America affiliates in North Carolina, and the services they provide, can be found at:
NAMI North Carolina
(NAMI NC) is the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a community-based nonprofit dedicated to assisting those affected by mental illness. Information about NAMI NC affiliates across our state can be found at:
Phone: 919-788-0801Helpline: 800-451-9682 (NC only)
Resources to Recover
Resources to Recover is a website for families affected by mental illness. To learn more about mental health resources in NC, go to
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
(NC DHHS). LME-MCOs (Local Management Entities-Managed Care Organizations) are responsible for managing, coordinating, facilitating and monitoring mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services in their particular area of the state. For information about mental health and substance abuse services in NC, go to:
Neither OCD North Carolina nor the International OCD Foundation assumes responsibility for the selection of a therapist or outcome of treatment. The following resources are provided merely to assist individuals in locating providers in their geographical area and are in no way an endorsement of any particular provider, support group, or other resources.