As part of International OCD Awareness Week 2020, a panel of experts in OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) will offer a free virtual program on OCD for the community.

All are welcome to attend.  We do ask that you register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlceqtqj8tHtA43-iao49QCaKptpUwPdS8  so it can be a safer, more secure experience.

Drs. Jon Abramowitz, Aureen Wagner, Annette Perot and Jeff Sapyta will  spend the first half of the program discussing various aspects of OCD and treatment before answering your questions regarding OCD in children, teens, and adults.

This event is sponsored by OCD North Carolina, the local affiliate of IOCDF, as part of the annual OCD Awareness Week, from Oct. 11-17, 2020. Events to promote OCD awareness will be held across the country all week long. Learn more and get involved at www.iocdf.org

Questions:  Contact Jon Abramowitz, PhD at jabramowitz@unc.edu